Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 7 EOC: The Pitch

Chocolate-filled cherries covered in nuts and almonds, Cherry Poppers, the perfect wine snack. Whenever people are feeling down and about, they usually resort to alcohol; this snack would go well with a glass of wine and each wrapper, besides being edible, would have an uplifting and short message. Since there has been a breakthrough in beer snacks and beer-flavored snacks, why not go the other way around and do something fancier. Wine enthusiasts sometimes find themselves at a crossroads when trying to accompany their beverage with a simple snack instead of a complete meal. Many take the normal and cliché road of wine and cheese. Cherry Poppers are an exception to that solution to wine lovers who want a different experience. Many wine purists may argue and hate the idea of wine combined with chocolate because they say after such a treat, nothing quite tastes the same. Who cares what wine purists say? You’ve had wine and chocolate, you have been completely satisfied in a way many dream of. What makes this sweet and creamy snack different from other alcoholic snacks is the unique feel of emotional soothing one gets when opening and reading the short but sweet and uplifting message or saying from famous people. One can indulge in the sweet taste of the wrapper too. The wrapper? Indeed, an edible wrapper, a feature, which makes it easier to truly get involved with the unique emotional experience, the experience one truly needs. The somewhat bitter and dry taste wine leaves on our taste buds, especially red wine, might really need an uplifting turn. Elaborated with the finest European chocolate, handpicked and naturally grown Bing cherries, and fine and roasted nuts and almonds. This twist and twirl of sweet, salty, and creamy characteristics is sure to take the wine enthusiast into a trip to unexplored lands many have not experienced.

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