Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 6 EOC: Me Times Three

Many non-conformists may not agree and might not give in to the idea that some products define them, but one must understand that these products were made with one thing in mind, the consumer. So, whether someone accepts it or not, we are all consumers. The first product that defines me as a person might have to be my Technics turntable. I have been close to music and music has been part of my life ever since I was a little boy. The simple idea of having and owning a vinyl record makes me, as many other listeners, feel a lot more connected with the musical composition and the artist. The warm sound of LPs make me stay in sense with my roots and make me feel more real in a plastic world.

A human being without a voice is just another soul in the world. Voice does not have to be literally the sound of your voice. It can be through sight, smell, touch, and taste, but it has to be a unique idea from your being; that is a voice. My MXL microphone is what truly defines the fact that I am able to express my ideas, opinions, and feelings through clear sound. I have the ability to record my voice and print it forever to echo through time.

What truly brought me into the world of audio and music a decade ago is what really matters. Without this product I would not have stumbled into my passion and into a world of dreams and aspirations. Without my DW Ice White drum set I would still be a lost soul with probably a dead-end and unfulfilling job living a dull and boring life. I owe my life and happiness to this instrument that my own father introduced me to on that first drum lesson, how to correctly grab a drumstick.

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